publications, research

New paper in Plos ONE on human mobility restrictions measures against the global spreading of H1N1pdm influenza Feb. 2, 2011

Travel-related and mobility restriction policies are often considered to be the first line of defence against the spread of an emerging infectious disease. The wide range of implementation scenarios of such policies calls for models that are able to anticipate their actual effectiveness. We tackle this problem in the recent publication:

Human mobility networks, travel restrictions and the global spread of 2009 H1N1 pandemic
Paolo Bajardi, Chiara Poletto, Jose J Ramasco, Michele Tizzoni, Vittoria Colizza, Alessandro Vespignani
PLoS ONEĀ 6(1): e16591 (2011).

Taking advantage of the high detailed mobility data at the global level integrated in GLEaM, we assessed the impact of different travel reduction policies in the unfolding of the simulated pandemics. The work shows that feasible mobility limitations, highly disruptive in economic terms, generally are not effective: even with strong and lasting restrictions the delay achieved is limited to two weeks .

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